about us

We are a team of Doctors, Nurses, Technicians, Therapists, Clerical staff, Attendants and other medical staff working under District Hospital Senapati.

Our Aim

  • To provide medical care to the best of our capacity. 
  • To sustain the quality of service.
  • To incorporate newer and essential medical services from time to time.
  • Our care extends to the general public as well as our hospital staff.

Our Values

We work as a team. We listen to people and communicate. Our medical and non-medical team is always ready to implement any necessary act.

   We are glad to provide medical care to the people of Senapati. Our hospital is a 100 bedded hospital functioning under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Manipur. Here in our health care facility, we provide OPD services, Emergency & Trauma care services, OT services, Maternity and child care services, Laboratory services and medical personnel training. 


   Our hospital aims to sustain good services as well as incorporate newer and other essential services from time to time. With help from the Government, civil bodies and the people of Senapati, the District Hospital Senapati operates at its best.


   District Hospital Senapati has a wide range of services under various departments such as:

• Obstetrics & Gynaecology

• Medicine

• Orthopedic & PMR

• Surgery


• Ophthalmology

• Anaesthesia

• Dental

• Pediatric


• Casualty & Trauma Centre

• COVID Isolation ward

• Dialysis unit


• Physiotherapy

• Tele-cardiology

• Tele-medicine 

• e-Hospital

• Ambulance services


• Geriatric unit

• Palliative unit





• Blood Centre

• Pharmacy



• Biomedical Waste Management unit

• Suman Saan

• Immunizations

• Mera Aspatal

• Viral Hepatitis unit

• OT & Labour Room services

• Imaging (Ultrasound & X-Ray)

• Laboratory Services



Medical Superintendent, District Hospital Senapati